Encaustic painting involves applying a combination of heated beeswax, color pigments and a tree resin in multiple layers, using a butane torch or heat gun to fuse between applications. In my process I tend to alternate between clear and colored wax layers, sometimes integrating oil paint, pastels and collage elements.
Process painting. Creative process as contemplative practice. Art practice. The Painting Mind body of work is an ongoing series. It is my attempt to approach the canvas with an open mind and heart. To observe and describe the flow of thoughts, sensations and feelings I experience without judgement, narrative or attachment. What does mind look like the moment before a thought forms? A feeling before it can be named? Most of these paintings are 30x40 or 40x60 inches. Acrylic (some with added ground pumice) on canvas or cold press watercolor paper.
Digital to film, from medium format to phone. It is all about seeing. I feel like this is my native language.
These images are selected from a collection of 108 paintings of the lotus completed over a period of two years. I used a wide variety of materials and techniques. All are on 22x30 cotton paper.
I enjoy working with a variety of art mediums including watercolor, ink, printmaking, mixed media and collage. Lately I’ve been experimenting with cold wax medium and oils.
Ink, Graphite and Acrylic
9x12 watercolor in 16x20 mat
9x12 watercolor in 16x20 mat
12x12 encaustic with photo transfer
12x12 encaustic with photo transfer
12x36 encaustic on cradled birch board
12x36 encaustic on cradled birch board
12x12 encaustic on wood panel
30x40 acrylic and pumice on canvas